

The Finsbury Park Trust is a registered charity number 1105638 and a company limited by guarantee number 04599482. It has a Board of Trustees taken from the local community, with representatives from the councils and residents of the three local boroughs (Hackney, Haringey and Islington). The Board meets four or five times a year and holds an AGM. In between, the Executive Board meets with the Executive Director Felicity Ford (who is also the Company Secretary) on a regular basis for operational and strategic decisions. All trustees are directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of the Companies Act.

The Board of Trustees are:

  • Polly Robbins –Islington Business representative – Chair
  • Councillor Alex Worrell – Haringey Council representative – Vice-chair
  • Anthonia Onigbode – Hackney Voluntary Sector representative (HCED) – Treasurer
  • Liz Hemmings – Hackney resident
  • Lawrence Singha – Haringey resident
  • Marian Spall – Islington Council representative
  • Soraya Adejare – Hackney Council representative

We are looking for additional trustees to enhance our Board. If you are interested please read our person specification and get in touch.

2024 Trustee JD